
Geekbench 4 snapdragon 820 vs exynos 8890
Geekbench 4 snapdragon 820 vs exynos 8890

geekbench 4 snapdragon 820 vs exynos 8890 geekbench 4 snapdragon 820 vs exynos 8890

The OnePlus X on certain builds appears to have a scheduler issue causing it to score only around 880 on the multi-core section, while putting up around 960 on the single core section. One thing that is interesting to note is that there is only one phone that scores worse in the multi-core test than in the single core test. Keep in mind, that while Qualcomm’s initial rushed A57 implementation in the S810 did run into issues at 20 nm, the Samsung implementation of the A57 cores on their 14 nm process performed substantially better, and saw their position improve on Geekbench 4. One of the biggest takeaways from this is that it indicates that ARM really seems to know what they’re doing when it comes to single core performance, and it calls into question whether the whole “real men use custom cores” mentality actually has any merit, or if it is purely for marketing. That being said, Qualcomm’s Kryo cores do see a significantly larger drop than Samsung’s M1 cores. This would indicate that both Samsung’s M1 cores and Qualcomm’s Kryo cores were previously being overrated compared to their competition, rather than just Qualcomm’s Kryo cores. The A72 cores in the Kirin 950 (from the Huawei Mate 8 and Honor 8) and Kirin 955 (from the Huawei P9) in particular saw massive improvements, bringing it from behind the E8890, the S820, and the K1, to being almost level with the E8890.

Geekbench 4 snapdragon 820 vs exynos 8890